Samu Social De Paris. A Woman’s nightmare. 

In 2011, 4086 homeless women called 'emergency 115' in Paris. 601 women found themselves in harm's way at least once on the streets. 16,082 aggressions against women were registred at the Shelter. Given refuge by Samusocial de Paris, these vulnerable women are nervertheless marginalized and cut off from their families and friends, and are regulary victims of assault. Without public crucial support, the only Samusocial Women's Shelter in Paris will be permanently shut down on May 31, 2012

Agency: Publicis Paris
CD: Véronique Sels 
Creatives: Bastien Grisolet, Alexandra Offe
Prod: Pierre Marcus, Timothé Rosenberg

Director: Frédéric Schoendoerffer
Prod: Quad Paris
Edit: Stéphane Couturier

Photo: Marc Paeps
Post: Adrien Bénard

© Bastien Grisolet Zamanisira   
Creative Director based in NYC. 
Currently @ Droga5.